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/ EUR 0.884
USD 1.086
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Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take to transfer money through a bank?
Money transfers via bank wire usually take from 3 to 5 business days. The money is credited to your account immediately once we receive the transfer from your bank.
How do I make a deposit via Bitcoin?
Please create a deposit order. To do that, please go to the "Deposit" section, select "Bitcoin", and when the page opens, click "Create a new deposit". Select an account you want to make a deposit to and enter deposit amount. Click "Preview". Make sure that all information is correct and submit your application. After your application is submitted, please send the amount exactly as specified to the account provided.
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We’ve turned 14!
This is a considerable age for a FinTech company! When we first started in 2007, the digital world was very different from what it is now. There weren’t so many different e-currencies, cryprocurrency was not invented and bank transfers in some developing countries did not exist. Business was different as well. Some sectors, we have grown accustomed to, simply did not exist at the time such as: multifunctional online exchange services, cryptocurrency exchanges, and numerous projects employing the blockchain technology.
Progress and time have changed everything. Online business and the world financial system have been undergoing a constant digital transformation for quite a long time now. Perfect Money is among the first companies which recognized its customers need not only to have a wide range of convenient means of Deposit/Withdrawal but also ability to access such services at developing markets. We are now present at over 200 jurisdictions and trusted by more than 50 000 companies, from smallest and youngest to world-renowned leaders in their respective business fields. For instance, we have secured our global leadership in the field of investments and trading various assets, and now approximately 50% of all companies in that field are our customers.
Our affiliate network is growing every year. Our 10 000 end users enjoy over 250 online exchange services where they can exchange Perfect Money’s e-currency to 20+ e-currencies worldwide, 20+ stablecoins or take advantage of other exchange directions.
Our priorities are provision of secure financial environment, rebuffing attacks by hackers and scammers and protecting your assets. Accordingly, we are constantly improving protection methods, consulting with global security experts, and refine our employees skills and expertise.
We are driven by a single purpose – to provide you with reliable and secure financial services no matter where you are and what are your goals.
It is not that we get better each year – it is that you, our dear users and customers, make us better.
Thank you very much for this!
Thank you for trusting us,
Always yours,
The Perfect Money Team
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